torsdag 15 juli 2010

Adam Young

Okay, I adore Adam Young, emotional pop/electronica. Oh... I'm listening to his music project before Owl City. Sky Sailing - Brielle. You should REALLY check it out.

I just wanted to share this, someone posted it in the info box in a YouTube video. It's really true.

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

by Mother Theresa

måndag 5 juli 2010

Vacation, fan dubs and subscribers

y0 guys!
Been a while since I updated this blog. I didn't think there was people actually reading it but oh well. I'll try my best.
So, I've hit over 230 subscribers now and actually uploaded a new fan dub from the movie Anastasia. Please check it out on my YouTube channel. You can also find another fan dub I didn't post about. It's a duet with tackar7.
Vacations going on so I'll try to make more and more fan dubs. Also, I started to work on two songs. One of them is going to be the theme song for a short love story. I hope I'll manage!
Take care and see you soon!


måndag 12 april 2010


Hi guys,
I know that I've been slacking on writing funny things in my so'oh awesome blog but I bet that You had other funnier things to do. Well, the multi fan dub is coming up soon (I know that I've been saying this for like, months.). I had to wait for a girl's recording that took some time. My own microphone is broke now, great... I'll take it to the store to get it changed.
ALSO, I got over 80 subscribers. Okay I can admit that I've done sub4sub but like 3 times, 5 maximum since I don't want my subscribers to just sub me for a sub or sub me when they don't really care about what I'm doing. I think that you understand what I mean. THANK YOU SO MUCH for subscribing me! And thanks to Shelen that put me on her channel as one of those "Awesome" YouTuber's, thank you.

I also got lots in school and been busy with real life struggles, but I hope that I can catch up and do something special for the next video. And I WILL make one of those 100, 200, 1000 subscribers videos people make.

Now, class's out and I have to hurry for the next one; Maths.


fredag 19 mars 2010

I'm gonna love you

Hi guys,
Darn I'm really tired! It's 5.36 AM here right now... zzz~
Just wanted to tell ya'll that I got a new fan dub up. Check it out! Konama - I'm gonna love you
Jumping in bed now, damn my back hurts... Nighty and sorry for the very short post but I'm really tired.


söndag 14 mars 2010

Cobra Bubbles~

Hi guys,
Just wanted to tell you that I got another fan dub up! Please check it out, rate, comment and subscribe! Lilo and Stitch - Your knuckle say Cobra fan dub

Got myself a new haircut also. It ended up pretty good, altho' the hairstylist didn't listen when I told her not cut the long part of my hair too much since I wanted to keep the length... And of course she cut over 10cm, grr... Oh well I'm pretty satisfied with the result so I shouldn't really complain. (I want the length back

And what about the multi fan dub? Ehek, it goes slow. I just hope we'll finish it soon since everyone's waiting to see it!

School tomorrow, ugh.
Take care~


lördag 27 februari 2010

Once upon a time...

Hi guys!
Been a while since the last update, I'm so sorry about that. There haven't been anything interesting to tell ya' 'bout.
But here's some news! Our multi fandub is soon done, 3 recordings left and then the main part of the whole song is done! So I hope that we might finish this soon. Please be patient, we're looking forward to hear the fandub when it's done~
Anything else?
Yes, I have realized that I've improved my vocals which you can hear in my latest recording. Fun huh? Well I'm pretty happy about it of course.
Another thing I'm thinking about is to try out for Swedish Idol, not because that I really badly want to be in the show, mostly because I want to see if my singing is good enough to get a chance in the auditions and to get feedback. What do you guys think?

Thursday, February 25th I got myself a belly button piercing, oh yes. The crystal is peridot green~ - Why I said this is to let you guys know what I've been doing lately even if you're zero interested haha.

Time for me to go on an adventure in the fridge, to find some treasures (in this case; food).


torsdag 11 februari 2010

I can't believe my heart

Well I wonder how many that are actually reading and following my blog... I can't see how many visits I got every day/week. Anyone that knows how to check it are welcome to tell me!
I'm sitting in my bed right now, Valentine's day coming and it'll be filled with love, hearts, roses, chocolate and other sweet things. Other people might just puke by hearing it. What are You going to do for Valentine's day? I myself will most likely be with my boyfriend and my dear mom. ♥

So what about a new fan dub? I'm still working on the multi fan dub and I'll soon tell everyone to get their recordings ready by at least the end of this month. I also want to fan dub something more... I got a song I want to dub but I might make a Swedish adaptation since I want to sing it in Swedish, I got inspired by Mioune (miouneTV @ YT). It'll be the song "I can't believe my heart" sung by Susan Egan, also called "Megara's song". The song wasn't included in the Disney Hercules movie. I guess that we'll see if I'll sing it in Swedish or English.

It's time for me to jump in bed. Pretty tired and it's weekend tomorrow, hurray!


måndag 1 februari 2010

Ohana means family

Dear fellow reader's...
I got a new fan dub up now!
This time I fan dubbed the scene in Disney, Lilo and Stitch where Lilo is talking with Stitch before Stitch leaves... It such a sad scene seriously! -cries in a cup
The sync might be a bit off but I made this without knowing how fast she talks in the movie etc etc. Also my PC won't work (as usual) so no HD.
Well, I hope that you'll enjoy it!

Konama - Ohana means family (Disney Lilo and Stitch)

I really need to learn how this blog functions works and get a new design...
Time for me to jump in bed, haven't felt too good today.


torsdag 28 januari 2010

Multi fan dub!

Heya guys!
I now got all the singers for my multi fan dub I wrote about before.
The singers are:

Ariel – Lufia4
Jasmine – Konama (me)
Pocahontas – DarkLeonie
Belle – TheAdoreble
Aurora – scarletinthesky
Cinderella – SweetPoffin
Snow White – miouneTV
Mulan – EnchantedPhantom

OBS! This is their name on YouTube. Be sure to check'em out.

Well, Mulan part is already done and it might take a while before the multi fan dub is done. Please be patient!

Otherwise I'm sitting in the Maths class right now. I should work but yeah... you know... sometimes you just don't.
A friend of mine wanted me to mentioned that he was my 100th friend on a community called Well congratulations Peter! Or something...
I got pretty happy that he asked me about my blog and he told me that he actually read it and have saved it as a book mark.

I also fetched a new headset but I'll do my best to make my external sound card work again. My PC is also messing with me, so I'll probably use my school laptop or try my best to work with my PC. We'll see! I really miss fan dubbing.


torsdag 14 januari 2010

Back on track

Hi everyone!
I hope that you had an amazing new years eve, please share your moments.
I got all the singers for the multi fan dub "If you can dream" and I'm looking forward to see it all complete!
Also, my external sound card is still messed up so I'll go and buy a headset (well actullay the same kind as the one I have, but the microphone is broken) that has a great micprohone.
I'm sitting in the English class right now. It doesn't seems like the teacher cares about what I'm doing right now. But I guess it's okay since I'm writing all of this in English and the class is soon out.
Well, I guess that I'll update this post later, with more information about the multi fan dub.
Please throw me requests in other languages than English and Swedish. It would be very fun to try to sing in another language, haha.
